
Dictionary definition of partnership and collaboration.
Community Partnerships

Welcome to Community Partnerships at 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿

Community Partnerships identifies,  加强, 并支持建立协作社区伙伴关系,推进我们作为波士顿公立研究型大学的使命.

Students gather round a sample in a net on beach in Nantucket.

Engagement at 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿

Celebrating over 50 years: dedicated to the community. At its founding, 澳门新葡新京官方被定义为一所具有特殊“城市使命”的机构,” whose 教学, 研究, and 服务 programs would engage thoughtfully with communities. 该大学仍然致力于实现其创始使命,并且比以往任何时候都更有优势.

Visit the 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿 Engage portal

澳门官方老葡京 Community Partnerships


Since its founding in 1964, 澳门新葡新京官方在与公共和政府部门合作方面有着悠久的历史, nonprofits and philanthropy, community groups, neighborhoods and individuals, and the private sector. As the only public 研究 university in the city, 我们的创始人试图创建一所“与城市站在一起”的大学,为学生提供无论其背景或社会经济地位如何的“平等”机会.” 

创建于2011年, 社区伙伴关系办公室(OCP)建立在这段历史和特殊召唤的基础上,通过识别, 加强, 支持建立协作社区伙伴关系,推进我们作为波士顿公立研究型大学的使命.


作为一所公立研究型大学,位于有色人种和移民占多数的地区,并作为联邦政府指定的亚裔美国人, 印第安人, 太平洋岛民服务机构(AANAPISI)和卡内基基金会分类的社区参与大学, 这是我们的责任和角色,以确保我们的社区大学参与中心种族平等和社会正义. 该办公室力求确保社区的需求和资产是我们机构优先考虑的关键,并通过建设我们大学的适应能力,确保他们在我们大学的计划和项目中得到体现, 负责任的, 尊重, 响应, 互惠, 并对我们作为更大的社区生态系统的一部分的角色负责. By acknowledging our position, 权力, and physical space, 我们力求确保大学不会延续与高等教育机构相关的压迫性做法和政策. 因此,该办公室致力于与我们紧邻的传统社区合作, 祖先的, and unceded land of the Massachusett Tribe at Ponkapoag, currently known as Dorchester and Boston, to build toward the “beloved community” that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 设想.

任务 & 值


该办公室是一个全校范围的协调单位,促进跨部门的社区参与, 大学, academic and non-academic units, 教师, 工作人员, 以及大学的领导力,其目的是履行大学的城市使命与社区合作,为社区服务并履行大学的承诺“与城市站在一起”.

办公室以教育公平原则为指导:集体智慧, community-building, and people-centered approaches with values of openness, 护理, 谦卑, 和完整性. The office seeks to align community engaged scholarship, 领导, 以及在校园内的服务努力,以最大可能的影响和最小的意外伤害社区, 促进社区大学对高等教育更大领域和公众的贡献的认可.

目标 & 策略


The office pursues long-term sustainable, asset-based community development, community identified and driven goals, and community engaged scholarship, 将大学定位为跨部门合作的贡献伙伴和锚定机构. 该办公室利用该机构的资源,并作为涉及我们教师的战略高影响力伙伴关系和倡议的推动者, 工作人员, and students through 研究, 教学, 服务, 领导, 和行动.

Our strategies include:

  1. Gateway for Collaborative Connections – Serving as a 连接器 and front door for campus and community stakeholders to 加强 existing or create new relationships and collaborations; focusing on 促进 long-term, 深的, 互惠, 战略伙伴关系和合作关系超越了一次性的机会.
  2. Harnessing Campus Capacity for Impact -利用校园社区成员的力量,在教学领域加强社区参与工作, 研究, 服务, and 领导; enhancing community impact by fostering collective approaches that are holistic, 有建设性的, and transformative; convening to encourage coordination; advancing students' lived experiences/community knowledge by making connections to classroom/academic knowledge through community engaged learning and co-creation of knowledge.
  3. Elevating Community-University Projects -强调合作伙伴关系,庆祝社区授权项目,展示相关性和影响力, are defined by the core principles of reciprocity and equity, 并在地方和其他地方做出了重大贡献.
  4. Centering Racial Equity and Social Justice - Elevating racial equity and social justice in community engagement; ensuring that community engagement practices are centered and are informed by the experiences of BIPOC and marginalized communities, and community engaged scholars; connecting and 促进 opportunities for integrating racial equity and social justice with community engaged initiatives.
  5. Facilitating Place-Based Initiatives - - - - - -连接, 促进, and partnering with local residents, 组织, and leaders; supporting the development of co-created knowledge and shared goals within defined geographical spaces; mobilizing university and community resources toward priorities impacting communities in Greater Boston.
  6. Resource Hub on Partnerships and Community Engaged Scholarship ——收集, 组织, and analyzing information on 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿 partnerships to better understand and help align efforts for long-term and sustainable community-university impacts; creating resources for campus and community members on high quality partnerships; supporting the development of resources and opportunities that 加强 community engaged scholarship.


Community Engaged 教师 Spotlight Series


  • For 教师 Toolkit
  • For Community Partner Toolkit
  • 在澳门新葡新京官方的社区参与工作中集中正义和关怀(2020)




  • 2021-2022 Academic Year
  • 2020-2021 Academic Year
  • 2019-2020 Academic Year
  • 2018-2019 Academic Year
  • 2016-2018 Academic Years

More OCP Featured 出版物



辛西娅·K. 奥雷利亚纳

Director, Office of Community Partnerships

辛西娅·K. 奥雷利亚纳

辛西娅·K. 奥雷利亚纳的职业轨迹反映了她对包容和合作实践的热情和承诺, bridging the opportunity divide, and driving systems change. 

奥雷利亚纳于2016年加入澳门新葡新京官方,担任社区伙伴关系办公室(OCP)主任。, which seeks to identify, 加强, and create collaborative, 高的影响, 互惠的社区伙伴关系促进了大学作为波士顿公立研究型大学的使命. 创建于2011年, OCP serves as an information hub, 连接器, and strategic coordinator of the university’s engagement. Prior to joining 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿, 奥雷利亚纳曾担任马萨诸塞州高等教育部(DHE)入学和成功战略助理专员。. 在这个角色中,她领导了战略政策项目和倡议,以提高英联邦学生的大学准备和大学入学率, particularly first-generation to college, low-income and under-represented students. She oversaw over $3.在联邦和州资助的赠款项目中投入了500万美元,并与多个部门合作开展倡议,以增加学生进入大学的机会和参与度,缩小成绩差距. She also created 100 Males to College 这是一项在全州各城市建立当地合作伙伴关系的倡议, and among public community 大学 and universities, 高中和社区组织,以提高低收入男性和有色人种男性的大学入学率和成功率. 奥雷利亚纳还曾担任州长Deval Patrick办公室的联邦军团主任, one of the Governor’s cornerstone civic engagement initiatives, 并通过涉及移民等一系列问题的基层治理项目促进公民参与, income tax credits, public budgeting processes, and young adults. 奥雷利亚纳的专业经验包括社区组织和宣传, community development, voter engagement and campaigns, governance and social policy, cross-organizational partnerships, and the development of startup initiatives.

奥雷利亚纳 has a history of 服务 on boards, and advisory groups, and currently serves on City Year Boston’s Board of Directors. 奥雷利亚纳于2021年被英联邦研讨会授予公民参与放大器奖, 2020年校园契约的纳丁·克鲁兹社区参与专业奖, Get Konnected’s 25 Influential Millennial Leaders of Color and Amplify Latinx’s list of 30 Amplifiers for the Latino community in Massachusetts in 2018; and among 100 most influential people in Massachusetts to the Latino community in El Planeta 澳门官方老葡京paper’s 2017 Powermeter list.

奥雷利亚纳 is a native and lifelong resident of Cambridge, Massachusetts and the youngest of four children. She is the first generation born in the United States, 她是萨尔瓦多移民的女儿,也是家里第一个上大学的人. 她拥有塔夫茨大学城市和环境政策与规划硕士学位以及东北大学政治学学士学位. 她是澳门新葡新京官方高等教育领导力项目的博士候选人.

邮箱:辛西娅·K. 奥雷利亚纳


Graduate Assistant
PhD Candidate, School for Global 包容 and Social Development

Shauna穆雷 joined the OCP in the spring of 2022. Prior to returning to school, Shauna worked in a number of spaces at the intersection of health, environment and education, locally and globally. 她在澳门新葡新京官方获得国际关系方向的社会学学士学位和应用社会学硕士学位. 她还拥有美国项目管理项目管理硕士证书和耶鲁大学公共卫生学院气候变化与健康证书.


Communications and 事件 Assistant

Sophie joined the OCP in the spring of 2023. 她是英语专业的学生,主修专业和新媒体写作,预计将于2023年5月毕业. 索菲曾在波士顿的多家广告公司担任文案撰稿人,也曾在美国空军学院(United States Air Force Academy)担任媒体撰稿人,她曾是该校的学生. 她很高兴能在社区伙伴关系办公室工作,并完成她作为灯塔坚强的时间.

Community Partnerships
Office of the Provost, Quinn 政府 Building, 3rd Floor
电话: 617.287.4223
Email Community Partnerships